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MAx Web Server (BETA)

MAx Web Server sets up NGINX hosting on the server and automatically converts .htaccess files into corresponding NGINX configuration.

It seamlessly integrates with the LSAPI NGINX module, which allows for better performance and resource usage.

MAx Web Server is supported on cPanel servers only, running CloudLinux OS 8 and later.


To use MAx Web Server, first install the max_webserver package:

dnf --enablerepo=cloudlinux-updates-testing install max_webserver

Convert to NGINX hosting

After max_webserver package is installed, you can switch to NGINX by running:

apache2max_webserver setup

Note that this may take a while, so we recommend running this command in a tmux or screen session.

Any websites previously using LSAPI will be automatically switched to NGINX hosting with the LSAPI NGINX module. Websites using PHP-FPM will be switched to NGINX hosting with PHP-FPM. PHP websites using other handlers will be proxied to Apache.

After conversion is complete, no further action is required. The monitoring subsystem, when detecting a change to an .htaccess runs conversions to NGINX configuration. So you can continue using .htaccess files as usual.

Do not attempt to stop the Apache service or remove Apache packages after switching to NGINX. The Apache service provides a safety net for websites that cannot be converted to NGINX.

Switch back to Apache hosting

To switch back to Apache, run:

apache2max_webserver reset

This command removes NGINX from your system and restores Apache configuration.

Force use of Apache for a single website

To force individual website to be served by Apache, run:

apache2max_webserver proxy -d <domain>

For example, apache2max_webserver proxy -d

Disable forced use of Apache for a single website

To disable forcing individual website to be served by Apache:

apache2max_webserver unproxy -d <domain>

Note that Apache may still serve the website, if:

  • conversion of its .htaccess files fails in any way
  • unsupported handler is used. MAx Web Server only supports PHP-FPM and MOD_LSAPI handlers

List proxied websites

To list websites that are forced to be served by Apache:

apache2max_webserver list-proxied

This command lists all websites that are forced to be served by Apache and the reason for that.

Other notes

MAx Web Server automatically converts .htaccess files to NGINX configuration, stored under the directory /etc/nginx as apache2nginx.conf and files prefixed with apache2nginx-.

Please don't modify these files manually, as they will be overwritten by the monitoring subsystem.

Instead, if you want to augment the NGINX configuration, you can do any of the following:

  • Work with your .htaccess files like usually, and let MAx Web Server automatically convert them to respective NGINX configuration
  • Add files according to ea-nginx files conventions. Please refer to the cPanel documentation.