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What is CloudLinux OS Solo

CloudLinux OS Solo is designed for installation on VPS or dedicated servers with a single hosting account for any number of websites.

Unlike CloudLinux OS Legacy (Shared), this edition is not designed for Shared Hosting usage and it does not include any LVE-related features.

We provide the CloudLinux OS Solo with pre-installed features, but for grafical interface, please install a control panel on your server.

Currently supported OS version is CloudLinux OS Solo 8+ only. Therefore, for now, there is no possibility to use CloudLinux OS Solo on servers with OS version 6 and 7. Please refer to the currently supported OS versions.

Supported control panels

cPanel SoloYes
cPanel regular with one userYes
Other panelsYes
No control panelYes

CloudLinux OS editions comparison

FeaturesCloudLinux OS AdminCloudLinux OS Legacy (Shared)CloudLinux OS Shared Pro
Maximum amount of hosting accounts5unlimitedunlimited
Resource Limits (LVE)*Yes**YesYes
Cage FSYesYesYes
MySQL GovernorNoYesYes
PHP SelectorYesYesYes
Python/Node.js Selectors***Yes***Yes***Yes***
Ruby SelectorYes***Yes***Yes***
Apache mod_lsapi PROYesYesYes
Website monitoring toolYesYesYes
Website monitoring alertsYesYesYes
Slow Site analyzerYesYesYes
PHP X-RayYesNoYes
Centralized MonitoringNoNoYes
Support 24/7YesYesYes

* Only inodes limits are available.

** Limits are disabled by default.

*** Python/Node.js/Ruby Selectors are available only for cPanel, DirectAdmin servers, and servers with custom panel with own integration.


We believe that this distribution will be useful for you if:

  1. as a site owner you have different performance issues with websites hosted. CloudLinux OS Solo provides a set of tools for website monitoring and performance tracking out-of-box;
  2. as a service provider you sell VPS servers and some of your customers require OS with extensive features for better security, support, and performance.

In any case we provide you 24/7 professional support to resolve any issues related to CloudLinux OS, its unique components and kernel.

CloudLinux OS Solo features

We've pre-installed a couple of useful features in our distribution. The complete list of supported features is available in the table above.

  • CloudLinux Manager

    CloudLinux Manager is a plugin which allows you to control all the CloudLinux settings from an easy-to-use web UI integrated into your control panel.

    The sub-modules you can find in CloudLinux Manager are Website Monitoring tool, PHP Slow Site analyzer, and X-Ray.

    See more.

  • Website Monitoring tool

    Website Monitoring tool is a tool that allows you to track your websites uptime and receive notifications about problems with access.

    Website Monitoring tool can gather and display information regarding the slowest websites on the server, notify by emails about errors happened on websites and send you daily website performance reports.

    See more.

  • PHP Slow Site analyzer

    PHP Slow Site analyzer (SSA) is a tool that generates daily reports for the server administrator with information about the top N slow PHP-based URLs for all domains.

    The Slow Site analyzer tracks all PHP-based requests and selects slow ones by specific rules.

    See more.

  • X-Ray

    X-Ray is a tool developed for website performance monitoring and performance issues detection.

    X-Ray can gather and visualize information about top slowest system functions, external requests, software modules and database queries of the client’s PHP website.

    See more.

How can I try your distribution before paying for it?

We provide trial licenses for 30 days. You can get your trial key in two ways:

  1. On the CloudLinux OS Solo main page, see CloudLinux OS Solo.
  2. In the CloudLinux Manager plugin, see the Getting trial key section.

The trial key must be entered during installation.

CloudLinux OS Solo lifecycle

CloudLinux OS Solo has the same life cycle policy as RHEL. Using a supported operating system is critical to maintaining a stable server environment.

Currently, the following version are supported:

Operating SystemRelease DateEnd of Life and Support
CloudLinux OS Solo 8Jun 1, 2021May 31, 2029

What's next

  1. The Installation section contains information about how to install this OS.
  2. The landing page contains the instructions about how to buy license or get trial.